{{workOrderInfo.PropertyAddress1}} {{workOrderInfo.PropertyCity}}, {{workOrderInfo.PropertyState}} {{workOrderInfo.PropertyZip}}
info_outline If you need to update the parts delay date, please call OneGuard.
Any work over {{workOrderInfo.AuthorizationLimit | currency: '$' : 0}} will require authorization. Please call OneGuard @888-896-0014
Our accounting team has it from here. We have your bill due to be paid on or shortly after {{workOrderInfo.BillDueDate | date: 'shortDate'}}
On {{workOrderInfo.AuthorizedDate | date: 'shortDate'}}
Please call 888-896-0014 for authorizations
Your online authorization is pending approval.
On {{workOrderInfo.PaymentExportDate | date: 'shortDate'}} - Due {{workOrderInfo.BillDueDate | date: 'shortDate'}}
Waiting in Payment Batch
OneGuard is processing